March 29, 2014

Yes, I'm Still Here

My focus these last few months has been all about food. What to eat. What's the best way to cook it, and learning to like it!
Ever since I was diagnosed with this awful gluten thing, adapting to a new eating lifestyle has been my focus. Not like I need to eat so I don't starve, but like I need to figure out what I can eat without sending my body into a tail spin.
It turns out my body is rejecting a lot of different foods, so I mainly eat a Paleo Diet. It requires a different mindset, and if you are not used to eating a lot of vegetables, it's quite challenging. 

Here are just a few things that I have managed to add back into my diet, which makes me very happy.

I couldn't figure out why I was having major flare ups (my immune system thinking I was eating gluten) after a cup of coffee. Come to find out……
Not all coffee is created equal. It's all in the processing, and you can read more about it here

It seems that if you are sensitive to gluten, good chance you're sensitive to dairy, so I had to give up chocolate. My initial thought was………Shoot me now!
Good News…….I have tried many recipes, and now I'm making my own chocolate candy.

The paleo diet doesn't really focus on sweets, but I've still got a sweet tooth I need to tend to.

My latest obsession………dehydrating. Still learning this one!

If you've come back to visit my blog, thank you for sticking with me :-)

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